
发布时间:2017-03-14  浏览次数:7392

姓名:蔡晓明(1982.11- ),女,职称:副教授

1. 学历

2005.9-2011.7 中国科学院大连化学物理研究所,分析化学,博士

2001.9-2005.7 浙江大学药学院,药学,学士

2. 工作经历

2017.2至今 威尼斯欢乐娱人城精品威尼斯欢乐娱人城精品,副教授

2013.9-2015.6 美国加州大学欧文分校,药学院,助理研究员

2011.8-2013.8 美国加州大学伯克利分校,威尼斯欢乐娱人城精品,博士后

3. 研究方向


4. 研究成果

目前共发表期刊论文13 篇,论文他引270 多次,其中10篇SCI论文发表在

ACS nano, Scientific reports, Journal of Chromatography A,Analytica Chimica Acta,

Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, Journal of Chromatography B 等重要学术刊物上。


1) Xiaoming Cai, Ruibin Li, Concurrent profiling of polar metabolites and lipids in human plasma using HILIC-FTMS, Scientific Reports, 2016,6,36490.

2) Kelsi Perttula, William MB Edmands, Hasmik Grigoryan,Xiaoming Cai, Anthony T Iavarone, Marc Gunter, Alessio Naccarati, Silvia Polidoro, Alan Hubbard, Paolo Vineis, Stephen M Rappaport,Evaluating Causal and Reactive Biomarkers of Colorectal Cancer in a Prospective Cohort, Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention,2016, 25, 1216-1223.

3) Xiaoming Cai, Kelsi Perttula, Sara Kherad Pajouh, Alan Hubbard, Daniel K Nomura, Stephen M Rappaport, Untargeted lipidomic profiling of human plasma reveals differences due to race, gender and smoking status, Metabolomics: Open Access, 2014, 4, 131-138.

4) Ruibin Li, Zhaoxia Ji, Chong Hyun Chang, Darren R. Dunphy, Xiaoming Cai, Huan Meng, Haiyuan Zhang, Bingbing Sun, Xiang Wang, Juyao Dong , Sijie Lin, Meiying Wang, Yu-Pei Liao, C. Jeffrey Brinker, Andre Nel, Tian XiaSurface Interactions with Compartmentalized Cellular Phosphates Explain Rare Earth Oxide Nanoparticle Hazard and Provide Opportunities for Safer DesignACS NANO, 2014, 8, 1771-1783.

5) Xiaoming Cai, Zhimou Guo, Xingya Xue, Junyan Xu, Xiuli Zhang, Xinmiao Liang. Enhanced two-dimensional separation of peptides using polar-copolymerized reversed-phase/weak cation-exchange mixed-mode column in first dimension, Journal of Chromatography A, 2012, 1228, 242-249.

6) Aijin Shen, Zhimou Guo, Xiaoming Cai, Xingya Xue, Xinmiao Liang, Preparation and chromatographic evaluation of a cysteine-bonded zwitterionic hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography stationary phase, Journal of Chromatography A, 2012, 1228, 175-182.

7) Xiaoming Cai, Jun Dong, Lijuan Zou, Xingya Xue, Xiuli Zhang, Xinmiao Liang, Metabonomic study of lung cancer and the effects of radiotherapy on lung cancer patients: Analysis of highly polar metabolites by ultraperformance hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography coupled with Q-TOF mass spectrometry, Chromatographia, 2011, 74, 391-398.

8) Xiaoming Cai, Chaoran Wang, Junyan Xu, Xingya Xue, Xiuli Zhang, Xinmiao Liang, Application of matrix solid-phase dispersion methodology to the extraction of endogenous peptides from porcine hypothalamus samples for MS and LC–MS analysis, Journal of Chromatography B, 2011, 879, 657-661.

9)Jun Dong, Xiaoming Cai, Lijuan Zou, Cheng Chen, Xingya Xue, Xiuli Zhang, Xinmiao Liang, Lysophosphatidylcholine biomarkers of lung cancer detected by Ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled with quadrupole time-of-flight Mass Spectrometry,  Chemical Research in Chinese Universtities, 2011,27, 750-755.

10) Jun Dong, Xiaoming Cai, Lili Zhao, Xingya Xue, Lijuan Zou, Xiuli Zhang, Xinmiao Liang, Lysophosphatidylcholine profiling of plasma: discrimination of isomers and discovery of lung cancer biomarkers, Metabolomics, 2010, 4, 478-488.

11) Xiaoming Cai, Lijuan Zou, Jun Dong, Lili Zhao,Yuanyuan Wang, Qing Xu, Xingya Xue, Xiuli Zhang, Xinmiao Liang, Analysis of highly polar metabolites in human plasma by ultra-performance hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography coupled with quadrupole-time of flight mass spectrometry, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2009, 650, 10–15.


2013年, 美国环境诱变和基因组学组织的第44届年会墙报奖


5. 参与课题情况

1)美国 NIH 项目“Superfund research program- Biomarkers of Benzene Exposure and Leukemia Risk(P42ES4705), 参与

2)美国EPA项目“Center for Integrative Research on Childhood Leukemia and the Environment(R834511),  参与

3)国家自然科学基金“针对生物活性肽分离的高正交性多二维液相色谱方法研究”(20975100), 主要参与

6. 联系方式


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