
发布时间:2016-04-21  浏览次数:11367



2015.7- 威尼斯欢乐娱人城精品,教授





2006.1-2009.8英国帝国理工学院(Imperial College London),博士研究生/博士









1. Qiu C, Zou HY, Deng Y, Liang YS, Lu DB*. A meta-analysis of infection rates of Schistosoma japonicum in sentinel mice associated with infectious waters in mainland China over last 40 years. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2019;13(6):e0007475.

2. Qiu C, Lu DB*, Deng Y, Zou HY, Liang YS, Webster JP. Population genetics of Oncomelania hupensis snails, intermediate hosts of Schistosoma japonium, from emerging, re-emerging or established habitats within China. Acta tropica. 2019;197:105048.

3. Lu DB*, Deng Y, Ding H, Liang YS*, Webster JP*. Single-sex schistosome infections of definitive hosts: Implications for epidemiology and disease control in a changing world. PLoS Pathog. 2018;14(3):e1006817.

4. Deng Y, Qiu C, Ding H, Lu DB*. The ratio of the seroprevalence to the egg-positive prevalence of Schistosoma japonicum in China: a meta-analysis. BMC infectious diseases. 2018;18(1):404.

5. Ding H, Lu DB*, Gao YM, Deng Y, Li Y. Genetic diversity and structure of Schistosoma japonicum within two marshland villages of Anhui, China, prior to schistosome transmission control and elimination. Parasitol Res 116:569-576. 2017

6. Ding H, Gao YM, Deng Y, Lamberton PH, Lu DB*. A systematic review and meta-analysis of the seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii in cats in mainland China. Parasit Vectors 10:27. 2017

7. Gao YM, Ding H, Lamberton PH, Lu DB*. Prevalence of Toxoplasma gondii in pet dogs in mainland China: A meta-analysis. Vet Parasitol 229:126-130. 2016

8. Gao, YM., Lu, DB*, Ding, H, Lamberton, P.H. Detecting genotyping errors at Schistosoma japonicum microsatellites with pedigree information. Parasit Vectors 8, 452. 2015

9. Bian, CR, Gao, YM, Lamberton, PH, Lu, DB*. Comparison of genetic diversity and population structure between two Schistosoma japonicum isolates-the field and the laboratory. Parasitol Res. 114:2357-2362. 2015

10. Wang SR, Zhu YJ, Ge QP, Yang MJ, Huang JL, Huang WQ, Zhuge HX, Lu DB*: Effect of photoperiod change on chronobiology of cercarial emergence of Schistosoma japonicum derived from hilly and marshy regions of China. Exp Parasitol, 159:227-232, 2015

11. Shi HP(本科生), Lu DB*, Shen L, Shi T, Gu J. Single- or mixed-sex Schistosoma japonicum infections of intermediate host snails in hilly areas of China. Parasitol Res, 113(2): 717-721, 2014

12. Wang CZ(本科生), Lu DB.*, Guo CX., Li Y., Gao YM., Bian CR. and Su J. Compatibility of Schistosoma japonicum from the hilly region and Oncomelania hupensis hupensis from the marshland region within Anhui, China. Parasitol Res, 113: p. 4477-4484, 2014

13. Lu DB*, Zhou L and Li Y. Improving access to anti-schistosome treatment and care in nonendemic areas of china: lessons from one case of advanced schistosomiasis japonica. PLoS Negl Trop Dis, 7(1) : e1960, 2013

14. Su J, Zhou F, Lu DB*.A circular analysis of chronobiology of Schistosoma japonicum cercarial emergence from hilly areas of China. Exp Parasitol, 135(2): 421-425, 2013

15. Rudge JW*, Webster JP, Lu DB, Wang TP, Fang GR, Basanez MG: Identifying host species driving transmission of schistosomiasis japonica, a multi-host parasite system, in China. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 110:11457-11462, 2013


1.2016.6.邀请报告,Title: Contrasting reservoirs or transmission patterns for Schistosoma japonicum between marshland and hilly regions of China. The Global Schistosomiasis Alliance Research Working Group (GSA), 上海.

2. 2018. 6. 分组报告TitlePopulation genetics of Oncomelania hupensis snails from new or re-emerged habitats versus or current snail habitats. The Fourth Symposium On Surveillance-Response System Leading to Tropical Diseases Elimination, 上海.


1. 周氏教学奖(优胜),威尼斯欢乐娱人城精品(2014)。

2. 教材《实用医学统计学与SAS应用》(张明芝,李红美,吕大兵主编),威尼斯欢乐娱人城精品出版社(2015)。

3. 参编《医学心理统计学》(姚应水主编),卫生部十二五规划教材,全国高等医药教材建设研究会十二五规划教材,人卫(2013)。

4. 参编《医学统计学》(贺佳、尹平主编),全国高校十二五医学规划教材,高等教育出版社(2012)。


6)教学课程:医学(卫生)统计学、统计软件、Medical Statistics及多元统计方法。


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