
发布时间:2017-10-11  浏览次数:9228













2002.04–2005.03 日本大学药学部                              博士研究生

1998.09–2001.07 吉林大学白求恩医学院                        博士研究生

1993.09–1996.07 中国辐射防护研究院环境医学研究所            硕士研究生

1988.09–1993.07 山西医学院预防医学系                          大学本科



2008.07–至今    威尼斯欢乐娱人城精品医学部威尼斯欢乐娱人城精品    研究员(2008.07起博导)

2005.04–2008.06 山东省医学科学院放射医学研究所 研究员(2005.07起硕导)

2002.04–2005.03 日本大学药学部            日本文部科学省资助国费留学生

2000.09–2002.03 日本大学药学部                            外国人研究员

1998.09–1998.12 日本国放射线医学综合研究所  日本科技厅科技交流访问学者

1996.08–2005.03 中国辐射防护研究院环境医学研究所            助理研究员





4. 主持或参加科研项目(课题)












1“九五”国家重点科技攻关计划项目:“公害病判定技术研究 ”(No.96-911-07-03),1996-2001,主要参与人。



Science of The Total EnvironmentFree Radical Biology and MedicineEcotoxicology and Environmental SafetyToxicology and Applied PharmacologyCancer Letters《中华地方病学杂志》等国内、外专业学术期刊上以第一作者或通讯作者发表论文110余篇;为首荣获核工业部科学技术进步三等奖、省科技进步三等奖以及山东省第八届青年科技奖等省、部级各级奖项15项;主编和参编著作5部,申请国家发明专利1项;担任Ecotoxicology and Environmental SafetyEnvironment InternationalEnvironmental PollutionToxicology Research、中华地方病学杂志等多家杂志的审稿人及编委。

I. 代表性论著(通讯作者)

7Qi Kong#; Hanyi Deng#; Chunchun Li#; Xiaojuan Wang; Yasuyo Shimoda; Shasha Tao; Koichi Kato; Jie Zhang*; Kenzo Yamanaka*; Yan An*. Sustained expression of NRF2 and its target genes induces dysregulation of cellular proliferation and apoptosis is associated with arsenite-induced malignant transformation of human bronchial epithelial cells. Science of The Total Environment. 2021, 734: 143840.

PMID: 33261869

DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.143840

6Luna Wang#; Rui Yan#; Qianlei Yang; Heran Li; Jie Zhang; Yasuyo Shimoda; Koichi Kato; Kenzo Yamanaka; Yan An. Role of GH/IGF axis in arsenite-induced developmental toxicity in zebrafish embryos. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2020, 201: 110820.

DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2020.110820

5Jing wu#; Yiping Ni#; Qianlei Yang#; Jiayuan Mao; Yasuyo Shimoda; Xuerui Zhu; Luna Wang; Haixuan Xia; Shasha Tao; Koichi Kato; Jie Zhang; Dapeng Wang*; Kenzo Yamanaka; Yan An. Long-term arsenite exposure decreases autophagy by increased release of Nrf2 in transformed human keratinocytes. Science of The Total Environment. 2020, 734: 139425.

DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.139425

4Xu Yang; Dapeng Wang; Yuan Ma; Xiguo Xu; Yingying Zhao; Zhen Zhu; Xiaojuan Wang; Hanyi Deng; Chunchun Li; Fenfang Gao; Jian Tong; Kenzo Yamanaka;Yan An. Continuous Activation of Nrf2 and Its Target Antioxidant Enzymes Leads to Arsenite-Induced Malignant Transformation of Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology. 2015. 289231-239

DOI: 10.1016/j.taap.2015.09.020

3Dapeng Wang; Yuan Ma; Xu Yang; Xiguo Xu; Yingying Zhao; Zhen Zhu; Xiaojuan Wang; Hanyi Deng; Chunchun Li; Fenfang Gao; Jian Tong; Kenzo Yamanaka;Yan An. Hypermethylation of Keap1 Gene Inactivates Its Function and Promotes Nrf2 Nuclear Accumulation Is Involved in Arsenite-Induced Human Keratinocyte Transformation. Free Radical Biology and Medicine. 2015.89209-219.

DOI: 10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2015.07.153

2Yan An#, Koichi Kato, Masauki Nakano, Hiroshi Otsu, Shoji Okada, Kenzo Yamanaka*. Specific Induction of Oxidative Stress in Terminal Bronchiolar Clara Cells during Dimethylarsenic-Induced Lung Tumor Promoting Process in Mice. Cancer Letters.2005, 230(1):57-64

DOI: 10.1016/j.canlet.2004.12.029

1Yan An#, Zenglin Gao, Zhongwen Wang, Shaohe Yang, Jianfen Liang, Yan Feng, Koichi Kato, Masauki Nakano, Shoji Okada, Kenzo Yamanaka*. Immunohistochemical Analysis of Oxidative DNA Damage in Arsenic-Related Human Skin Samples from Arsenic-Contaminated Area of China. Cancer Letters. 2004, 214(1): 11-18.

DOI: 10.1016/j.canlet.2004.04.005


II. 主编和参编论著

5《毒理学试验方法与技术》,人民卫生出版社,20183月 第七版(52.5万字,ISBN 978-7-117-27879-9),参编.

4《环境毒理学基础》,人民卫生出版社,201811月 第三版,53万字,ISBN 978-7-04-050623-5参编.

3《毒理学基础》,人民卫生出版社,20178月 第七版(75.3万字,ISBN 978-7-117-24633-0/R•24634),参编.

2《现代环境毒理学》,中国环境出版社,201512月 第一版(146万字,ISBN 978-7-5111-2381-7),参编.

1《国家污染物环境健康风险名录.生物分册》,中国环境出版社,201312月 第一次印刷(36万字,ISBN 978-7-5111-1678-9,主编.


III. 获奖情况:
















IV. 授权专利





16)雷婧;安艳;花艳丽;肖呈琦。一种western blot抗体洗脱装置【ZL2021203206533】(实用新型)。

































2014-     中国环境诱变剂学会活性氧生物学效应专业委员会  委员

2017-     中国生物物理学会自由基生物学与自由基医学分会  理事

2015-     中国中西医结合学会时间生物学专业委员会        委员

2019-     亚洲砷与健康研究联盟                          理事

2015-     江苏省毒理学会基础毒理学专业委员会      副主任委员

2020-     江苏省预防医学会职业健康专业委员会            常委

2014-2018 江苏省毒理学会                                理事

2018-     江苏省毒理学会                                监事

2012-     《国外医学 医学地理学分册》               常务编委

2016-     《中华地方病学杂志》                          编委



Yan An

Dec., 2021




Contact Information


Dr. Yan An


Department of Toxicology

School of Public Health

Medical College of Soochow University

199 Renai Rd, Suzhou industrial Park, Suzhou 215123, Jiangsu Province, China

Tel: (+86)512-65880910(O)

E-mail: dranyan@126.com








Environmental Toxicology

Nihon University College of Pharmacy

With Prof. Kenzo Yamanaka




Jilin University Norman Bethune Medical College

with Prof. Zenglin Gao



Industrial Hygiene

and Occupational Diseases

China Institute for Radiation Protection

With Prof. Rusong Chen



Preventive Medicine

Shanxi Medical University






Department of Toxicology

School of Public Health Medical College of Soochow University



Department of Radiation Effects, Institute for Radiation Medicine,

Shandong Academy of Medical Sciences



Assistant Professor

Department of Life Science China Institute for Radiation Protection

Honors and awards



Third Prize for The study on Carcinogenic Mechanisms of Arsenics- Metabolic methylation of arsenic-induced oxidative stress

Science & Technology Advancement Award of Shandong province


Poster award for A case-control study on         relationship between arsenic in drinking water and skin lesions in endemic arsenism area of Shanxi province, China

The 5th International Congress of Asia Society of ToxicologyASIATOX-V


The introduction of a shortage talents of high-level personnel funded projects in Suzhou city


The 8th Youth of Sciences & Technology award of Shandong provience,


The National Outstanding Youth Scientists and Technicians Award for Carcinogenic Mechanisms of Arsenics- Metabolic methylation of arsenic-induced oxidative stress

The 2nd Session of National Chinese Youth Scholar Science and Technology Forum of Chinese Society of ToxicologyCST


Import of foreign talent in Shandong province

Human Resources and Social Security Department of Shandong province



Japanese Government (MONBUKAGAKUSHO: MEXT) Scholarship


The 2nd class award for The Study on Judging Criterion of Public Nuisance Disease

National Defense Sciences & Technology Award,


Excellent achievement award on Judging Criterion of Public Nuisance Disease

State Environmental Protection Administration of China


The 3rd class award for The Morphometric Study of 131I-Induced Injury in Rat Thyroid

The 10th Conference of Shanxi Science & Technology


Excellent achievement award on Carcinogenesis of Arsenic

The Organizing Committee of International Cooperative Symposium for Global Telemedicine Exchange of Excellent Studies on Oriental & Occidental Medicine,


Awarded a grade of International Certificate of Excellent Papers forthe study on TheRetentionPatternof Radioiodine inRatThyroid and itsDoseEvaluation

World Network of Traditional Chinese Medicine U.K.


The 2nd class awardfor The study on The Retention Pattern of Radioiodine in Rat Thyroid and its Dose Evaluation

The 2nd Development Conference of Sciences & Technology of Huazhong Area


The 3rdclass award for The study onThe MorphometricStudy of 131I-Induced Injury inRatThyroid

Science & Technology Advancement Award of Ministry of Nucleus Industry of China


The 2nd class award for The study onTheRetentionPattern of Radioiodine in RatThyroidand itsDose Evaluation

The 1st Conference of the Youth of Sciences & Technology of Shanxi




Oct. 2000-Mar. 2005 Department of Environmental Toxicology and Carcinogenesis, Nihon University College of Pharmacy, Japan.

Research student of Graduate School of Nihon University as a Japanese Government (MONBUSHO) Scholarship student

Sept. 1998-Dec. 1998 National Institute of Radiation Sciences, Japan

Japan Science & TechnologyAgency Scientist Exchange Program




Research statement


I am a toxicologist with a focus on Mechanism and Prevention of Xenobiotics Poisoning, Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology, and The Mechanism of Chemical Carcinogenesis on Redox Stress. I have been conducting the molecular mechanisms of the toxicities of environmental chemicals. Using cell lines and zebrafish embryos as model systems, and dissect the functions of signal pathways. I have raised the hypothesis that the metabolic process associated with the methylation of inorganic arsenicals, the subsequent metabolic sulfurization, and the chemical properties of their intermediate active metabolites play an important role in arsenic-induced Redox-stress Response Capacity in arsenic-induced cell transformation.

Major focuses of my current work are: (1) Regulative role of Redox-stress Response Capacity in arsenic-induced human cell transformation. (2) Environmentally relevant concentrations of chemicals induced developmental toxicity and oxidative responses.


External competitive grants as PI

I have received grants from the following funding sources:


3. National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaNSFC)“Regulative role of transcription factor Nrf2 in arsenic-induced human keratinocytes transformationNo.81573173)”), 2016.01-2019.12

2. Chinese Natural Science Foundationof International Cooperation and ExchangesNSFC—JSPS)“Investigating the Effect of Dimethylated Arsenic Species on Nrf2 in Arsenic-induced Human Keratinocytes TransformationNo.81811540034)”), 2018.04-2020.12.

1. National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaNSFC)“Regulative role of ROS on autophagy and apoptosis in arsenic-induced human keratinocytes transformationNo.818172646)”), 2018.01-2022.12.


Publication list


ISI Researcher ID: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/K-8337-2016

ORCID iD: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2838-8169

Web of Science ResearcherID: K-8337-2016; M-9831-2019


Papers in ISI indexed journals (corresponding author)


Year 2021


33. Jie Ding; Rui Yan; Luna Wang; Qianlei Yang; Xiaoyun Zhang; Nan Jing; Yuanjie Wei; Hengdong Zhang*; Yan An*. Using Alizarin Red Staining to Detect Chemically Induced Bone Loss in Zebrafish Larvae. Journal of Visualized Experiments. 2021,e63251.



32.Qi Kong#; Hanyi Deng#; Chunchun Li#; Xiaojuan Wang; Yasuyo Shimoda; Shasha Tao; Koichi Kato; Jie Zhang*; Kenzo Yamanaka*; Yan An*. Sustained expression of NRF2 and its target genes induces dysregulation of cellular proliferation and apoptosis is associated with arsenite-induced malignant transformation of human bronchial epithelial cells. Science of The Total Environment. 2021, 756: 143840.

PMID: 33261869

DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.143840.


Before 2020


31. Runa Wang#; Rui Yan#; Qianlei Yang; Heran Li; Jie Zhang; Yasuyo Shimoda; Koichi Kato; Kenzo Yamanaka*; Yan An*. Role of GH/IGF axis in arsenite-induced developmental toxicity in zebrafish embryos. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2020, 201: 110820.

PMID: 32531574

DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2020.110820

30.Jiaoyuan Mao#; Qianlei Yang#; Makoto Miyazawa; Motofumi Miura; Luna Wanga; Haixuan Xiaa; Koichi Kato; Kenzo Yamanaka*; Yan An*. Possible differences in the mechanism of malignant transformation of HaCaT cells by arsenite and its dimethyl metabolites, particularly dimethylthioarsenics. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology. 2020, 61: 126544.

DOI: 10.1016/j.jtemb.2020.126544

29. Runa Wang#; Rui Yan#; Qianlei Yang; Heran Li; Jie Zhang; Yasuyo Shimoda; Koichi Kato; Kenzo Yamanaka; Yan An. Role of GH/IGF axis in arsenite-induced developmental toxicity in zebrafish embryos. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2020, 201: 110820.

DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2020.110820

28.Jing wu#; Yiping Ni#; Qianlei Yang#; Jiayuan Mao; Yasuyo Shimoda; Xuerui Zhu; Luna Wang; Haixuan Xia; Shasha Tao; Koichi Kato; Jie Zhang; Dapeng Wang; Kenzo Yamanaka; Yan An. Long-term arsenite exposure decreases autophagy by increased release of Nrf2 in transformed human keratinocytes. Science of The Total Environment. 2020, 734: 139425.

DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.139425

27. Jing wu; Yiping Ni; Xiaojuan Wang; Qianlei Yang;Jiayuan Mao; Jian Tong; Jie Zhang*; Yan An*. Role of mitochondrial DNA in oxidative damage induced by sodium arsenite in human bronchial epithelial cells. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health-part A. 2019, DOI: 10.1080/15287394.2019.1686108.

DOI: 10.1080/15287394.2019.1686108

26. Jing Wu; Jie Zhang; Jihua Nie; Junchao Duan; Yanfeng Shi; Lin Feng; Xiaozhe Yang; Yan An; Zhiwei Sun. The chronic effect of amorphous silica nanoparticles and benzo[a]pyrene co-exposure at low dose in human bronchial epithelial BEAS-2B cells. Toxicology Research. 2019.

DOI: 10.1039/c9tx00112c

25. Qianlei Yang; Hanyi Deng; Haixuan XMengchuan Xu; Guotao Pan; Jiayuan Mao; Liqian Qin; Jie Zhang; Tom K Hei; Shasha Tao; Kenzo Yamanaka; Yan An. High Nrf2 expression predicted poor prognosis in patients with lung cancer: A meta-analysis of cohort studies. Free Radical Research. 2019,


24. Qianlei Yang; Zhen Zhu; Luna Wang; Haixuan Xia; Xiaojuan Wang; Jing Wu; Koichi Kato; Heran Li; Jie Zhang; Kenzo Yamanaka; Yan An. The protective effect of silk fibroin on high glucose induced insulin resistance in HepG2 cells. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology. 2019, 69:66-71.

DOI: 10.1016/j.etap.2019.04.001.

23. Jiting Liu; Li Zhang; Lixia Feng; Ming Xu; Yue Gao; Peng Zhou; Zhengmin Yu; Baoli Zhu; Yan An; Hengdong Zhang. Association Between Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (rs4252424) in TRPV5 Calcium Channel Gene and Lead Poisoning in Chinese Workers. Molecular Genetics & Genomic Medicine. 2019; e562.


22. Hengdong Zhang, Ming Xu, Qiuni Zhao, Kai Sun, Wei Gong, Qiaoyun Zhang, Baoli Zhu, Yan An. Association between Polymorphism of Exportin-5 and Susceptibility to Lead Poisoning in a Chinese Population. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2017, 14, 36.


21. Dapeng Wang; Yasuyo Shimoda; Sanxiang Wang; Zhenghui Wang; Jian Liu; Xing Liu; Huanyu Jin; Fenfang Gao; Jian Tong; Kenzo Yamanaka; Jie Zhang; Yan An. Total Arsenic and Speciation Analysis of Saliva and Urine Samples from Individuals Living in Chronic Arsenicosis Area in China. Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine.2017, 22:45.

DOI: 10.1186/s12199-017-0652-5

20. Xing Liu; Bin Sun; Xiaojuan Wang; Jihua Nie; Zhihai Chen; Yan An; Jian Tong. Synergistic Effect of Radon and Sodium Arsenite on DNA Damage in HBE Cells. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology. 2016,41: 127-131.

DOI: 10.1016/j.etap.2015.11.013

19. Dapeng Wang; Yuan Ma; Xu Yang; Xiguo Xu; Yingying Zhao; Zhen Zhu; Xiaojuan Wang; Hanyi Deng; Chunchun Li; Fenfang Gao; Jian Tong; Kenzo Yamanaka; Yan An. Hypermethylation of Keap1 Gene Inactivates Its Function and Promotes Nrf2 Nuclear Accumulation Is Involved in Arsenite-Induced Human Keratinocyte Transformation. Free Radical Biology and Medicine.2015,89:209-219.


18. Xu Yang; Dapeng Wang; Yuan Ma; Xiguo Xu; Yingying Zhao; Zhen Zhu; Xiaojuan Wang; Hanyi Deng; Chunchun Li; Fenfang Gao; Jian Tong; Kenzo Yamanaka; Yan An. Continuous Activation of Nrf2 and Its Target Antioxidant Enzymes Leads to Arsenite-Induced Malignant Transformation of Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology. 2015, 289:231-239.

DOI: 10.1016/j.taap.2015.09.020

17. Zhen Zhu, Dapeng Wang,Yuan Ma, Xu Yang, Xiaojuan Wang, Hua Yin, Yan An. Optimization of antioxidant silk fibroin peptide hydrolysis process. Advanced Materials Research. 2015,1073-1076:1789-1792(EI).

16. Zhen Zhu, Hua Yin, Yan An. Antioxidant activity of silk fibroin peptide hydrolyzed by pancreatin. Advanced Materials Research. 2015,1081:110-114(EI).

15. Dapeng Wang, Yasuyo Shimoda, Hidetoshi Kurosawa, Jian Liu, Xiguo Xu, Xing Liu, Huanyu Jin, Jian Tong, Kenzo Yamanaka, Yan An. Excretion Patterns of Arsenic and Its Metabolites in Human Saliva and Urine After Ingestion of Chinese Seaweed. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry. 2015, 95(5):379-389.

DOI: 10.1080/03067319.2015.10368608

14. Huanyu Jin, Xing Liu, Hua Yin, Yan An. The application of silk fibroin in tissue engineering and drug carrier area. Advanced Materials Research. 2013,634-6381120-1123(EI).

13. Huanyu Jin, Hua Yin,Yan An. The effect of gamma ray on the thermo-mechanical property of silk fibroin. Thermal Science. 2013, 17(5): 1521-1522.

DOI: 102298/TSCI1305521J#

12. Huanyu Jin, Yu Liu, Xing Liu, Dapeng Wang, Jian Liu, Hua Yin, Yan An. Study on biocompatibility of post-irradiated silk fibroin in vitro. Advanced Materials Research. 2012,535-537:2357-2360(EI).

11. Huanyu Jin, Yu Liu, Xing Liu, Dapeng Wang, Jian Liu,Hemei Zhang, Chunyan Zong, Hua Zhao, Xiaoqing Feng, Hua Yin, Yan An. Effect of gamma irradiation on the biocompatibility and biodegradation of silk fibroin in vivo. Advanced Materials Research. 2012,535-537:2361-2364(EI).

10. Huanyu JinHua YinYu LiuYan An. The effect of gamma ray on the mechanical and molecular structure changes of silk fibroin. Advanced Material Research. 2012,502: 269-272(EI).

9.  Dapeng Wang, Sanxiang Wang, Zhenghui Wang, Liming Zhang, Jian Li, Jian Liu,   Xing Liu, Huanyu Jin, Chunling Fu, Yan An. The arsenic concentration in saliva, urine and drinking water in endemic arsenicosis area in Shanyin county of Shanxi province, China. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2012,140:465-468 (EI).

8.  Dapeng Wang, Liming Zhang, Jian Li, Jian Liu, Xing Liu, Huanyu Jin, Chunyan Ji, Chunling Fu,Yan An. Comparison of the total arsenic between urine and saliva after consumption of seafood among volunteers.Conference on Environmental Pollution and Public Health. 2011, 271-273 (ISTP).

7.  Chunyan Ji, Chunling Fu, Quanyong Xiang, Song Xu, Mingqing Zhu, Jian Liu, Dapeng Wang, Jie Zhang, Yan An. Biomarkers of early vascular endothelial injury with low-arsenic exposure in drinking water of Jiangsu province. Conference on Environmental Pollution and Public Health2011, 364-366. (ISTP).

6.  Huanyu Jin, Hua Yin,Yan An. The application of radiation technology in the field of medical biomaterials. Advanced Material Research. 2011,287-290:1929-1932(EI).

5.  Jian Liu, Sanxiang Wang, Zhenghui Wang, Dapeng Wang, Zhen Li, Xiaoping Wang, Xing Liu, Huanyu Jin, Yan An. The Relationship between Arseninc Exposure and Skin Lesions in Endemic Arsenicosis Area of Shanxi Province, China. 2011 International Conference on Human Health and Biomedical Engineering.2011,7:1198-1200 (EI).

4.  Dapeng Wang, Liming Zhang, Jian Li, Jian Liu, Xing Liu, Huanyu Jin, Chunyan Ji, Chunling Fu, Yan An. Disposition of arsenic in saliva, blood and urine of Sprague-Dawley rats following repeated oral exposure to sodium arsenite. 2011 International Conference on Human Health and Biomedical Engineering. 2011,61156-1159(EI).

3.  Jian Liu, Sanxiang Wang, Zhenghui Wang, Dapeng Wang, Zhen Li, Xiaoping Wang, Xing Liu, Huanyu Jin, Yoko Endo, Ginji Endo, Kenzo Yamanaka, Yan An. The level of aseninc in environmental media in endemic arsenism area of Shanxi province, China.Conference on Environmental Pollution and Public Health.2011, 301-304. (ISTP).

2.Yan An*, Koichi Kato , Masayuki Nakano, Hiroshi Otsu, Shoji Okada, Kenzo Yamanaka. Specific induction of oxidative stress in terminal bronchiolar Clara cells during dimethylarsenic-induced lung tumor promoting process in mice. Cancer Letters.2005, 230(1): 57-64.


1.  Yan An*, Zenglin Gao, Zhongwen Wang, Shaohe Yang, Jianfen Liang, Yan Feng, Koichi Kato, Masayuki Nakano, Shoji Okada, Kenzo Yamanaka. Immunohistochemical analysis of oxidative DNA damage in arsenic-related human skin samples from arsenic-contaminated area of China. Cancer Letters.2004, 214(1): 11-18.



Patents list

20. ZL2021207446343

19. ZL2021205452710

18. ZL2021203206533

17. ZL2021103053231

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1. ZL2018201134810




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